Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yin Yang

The Good and The Bad

Good: Two eggs to complement the bacon
The Bad: Cholesterol galore.


donna_chocnut said...

Hi there! This made me smile. How'd you do that? Ang galing ah =) I remembered school all of a sudden because the yin and yang was used as a framework for an organization's vision. Anyway, yes, they're great with bacon. Haha, cholesterol overload again. I love them poached or scrambled with cheese. Thanks for visting my blog and for linking me up. I'm sorry, what's your first name? I looked at your profile but no mention of it.

Vanishing Point said...

I tried to do it again last weekend and its pretty easy as moving the egg yolks and shaping the egg whites while it's still gooey. Thankies for your comments too :), Nelson.