Its up, its up. After some time. 8 years to be exact when we had our petty exhibit. Who knows where the budding (desperate) painters ended up after that. Carlo for one got picked-up by the Boston Gallery, the rest will have to settle for building portfolios... some went full time and some opted for a day job.
Fast forward 2009, by sheer luck I had a friend who wants Amorsolo replicas, and since I dont have the patience and time for landscape paintings, especially farmlands, I contacted wellers - which contacted conyat, then the deal was set. When we first had our exhibit, I guessed we've learned a lot from each others work, perhaps this time again, on a whole different dimension.
Its up, its up. After some time. 8 years to be exact when we had our petty exhibit. Who knows where the budding (desperate) painters ended up after that. Carlo for one got picked-up by the Boston Gallery, the rest will have to settle for building portfolios... some went full time and some opted for a day job.
Fast forward 2009, by sheer luck I had a friend who wants Amorsolo replicas, and since I dont have the patience and time for landscape paintings, especially farmlands, I contacted wellers - which contacted conyat, then the deal was set. When we first had our exhibit, I guessed we've learned a lot from each others work, perhaps this time again, on a whole different dimension.
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