I'd like to see how this one turns out.
Junichi and Toru, the pro-whale activists have been arrested in Japan for exposing the truth about corruption in the taxpayer-funding whaling programme. Turns out that they've tracked where the whale meat ends up after it is "studied" which surely enough as every activists accusses the whaling programme - consumers. Japan is set to hunt and kill thousands of whales per year under the cloak of Science, dubbed "for research" . The government programme (wow!) insist that it isnecessary to kill the animal to study its life... oxymoronic ...hehehe... and this is from one of the most advanced nation on the planet... oh by the way, dolphin and whale meat is on the menu of the Japanese household.
We probly wont hear much from the Chinese consumers on this issue, as the populace is also gung-ho on shark's fin. The argument, as much as I've heard from Sino and Japanese acquaintances is: its downright meat. You eat cow meat, we eat whale meat. Some Japanese are used to eating them much like you would eat beef.
My way on putting it would be: Some Filipinos can eat dog meat. If they (Japanese whale-dolphin eaters) arent disgusted yet, they'd probably be at least balking on the idea of consuming pet friends. Same meat. Different mindset...and I havent even brought up the legality of specie endangerment.
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