The book was featured in Time magazine, it talks about first impressions, instantaneous judgment... something in the lines of - "analyzing events, actions or a person's character in a whim". Bought it, skeptical about it at first as the author starts to talk to me like Im a gullible kid, ...further down the chapter all skepticism were dismissed...this book should not make it to your bookshelf. Its got great reviews but it just didnt taste right. Uncooked book. Its like your grand father telling you great stories about his life, part of it you believed, part of it you thought was just added exaggeration to fire interest to the story...but this book inclined itself more on the latter. Gladwell being a writer for The New Yorker , a Marketing guru (as articles say of him) ...makes me suspect he's using his skills to get people to buy his stuff.. indecent..you bad, bad writer you.
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