I've heard that one can measure one's wealth based on the size of their TV screens. If that's the case, I want a flat panel then...not because Im profoundly drunk with consumerism but rather because of the plain fact that mainland Japan has turned digital and my TV is still very much analog... the devils, they gave me a reason.
In leau of my excitement to get one, I felt sick of this Plasma-LCD wars, much as I am really getting sick of all the proprietary differences of all other things: - Blue ray disc, HD DVD, mp3 - AAC, WMA,.. why cant they just use one freaking format?? dream on...for as long as man is incorporated, greed will be inevitable.
Having to consider if its; digital ready, High Vision , HDTV, TFT and all other acronyms that I dont really give a hoot, I've decided to stick with what I thought casted the best glow on the display booth. I bought a 32 incher AQUOS... I dreamt of a 45 " but since the $4k tag price is still absurd for me, and the shape of things to come are as mysterious as De Kooning's paintings, I decided to get one that would not defunct after a year or so...defunct, I like that word. (remember Sony Clies and Kyocera cameras - went funky dead = defunct). Add the fact that in case TV formats change again into something like digital 2.1 or whatever crap they'd come up with, I could use this one as my computer monitor..whooohooooo a 32 inch PC monitor!! Totally nerdy i like it. I bumped my TV from a 26 inch CRT to a 32 inch LCD, do I feel more successful? You bet.